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Public Administration

Primary features of the application DocWay4:
    * Organizes documents archives according to some classification schemes and archive rules

    * Each document is carried out with some attributes and ownership that define the structure as a whole and make it possible to manage, finding and integrating the workflow.

    * Establishes some security policies regarding the rights to access, drop data, delete them, modify documents and classify information, this allows to trace any access.


* Searching for documents accelerate ability to use some combinations of attributes and ownership associated with logical operators and/or defined by the contents of their own documents.

 * Documents reproduction is made between viewing instruments and preservation tools in standard formats that make DocWay4 independent from availability of any specific application and plugin client.

 * Documents storage format guarantees conservation in time.

 * In case of adopting norms related to the originality and authenticity of the electronic document and the archiving replacement, we guarantee the conformity with the original of electronic documents or electronic copies of paper documents.


DOCWAY4® thanks to the new user interface ALL CONTROL RESPONSIVE type can be used on any device: desktop, tablet or mobile. Supports 360 ° document management managing all the aspects necessary for the total dematerialization of administrative processes: archiving and classification, collocation and repertory, digital signature, sending in long-term preservation, integrated PEC, workflow management and cooperation tools.

Billing module PA designed to be used by the public administration but also by their clients because undertakes administration the entire electronic billing: through this module we can administer the passive cycle (non-receipt of bills from public administrators) as well as the active cycle when it is done in the invoice and interchange with different instances.

The PA billing module is usable through a login directly to it, for example when a user has a self-administering document system and wants to be included exclusively in the bills management voice also via a log in through internal use of the system login, specifically DocWay®. 


Tiranë - Albania 1019                   
Brigada VIII, N23/H4


Phone: +355 45 629 962

Office hours

Monday - Friday:
9.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00
Weekend: Closed